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发布时间:2024-06-24 13:24:31 点击量:
  • 摘要:This paper considers a variation on the Dubins path problem and proposes an improved waypoint navigation (WN) algorithm called Dubins waypoint navigation (DWN). Based on the Dubins path problem, an algorithm is developed that is updated in real-time with a horizon of three waypoints. The purpose of DWN is to overcome a problem that we find in existing WN for small-class fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) of not accurately reaching waypoints. This problem results at times in high overshoot and, in the presence of wind disturbances, it can cause a vehicle to miss the waypoint and swirl around it. To prevent this, the DWN creates “new waypoints” that are in the background, called turning points. Examples illustrate the improvement of the performance of WN achieved using the DWN algorithm in terms of the targeting of waypoints while reducing fuel and time.
  • 摘要:When designing modern cellular networks, it is challenging to account for many contradictory criteria and constantly changing external conditions of the networks (e.g., traffic). We need to solve multicriteria problems with high-dimensional vectors of parameters. A prerequisite to solution of these problems is correct determination of the feasible solution set, which is directly related to the statement of optimization problem. This is a major challenge in all multicriteria engineering optimization problems and represents significant difficulties for the expert. In this paper, we show how to define the feasible solution set for cellular network optimal design problems and thus answer the fundamental question of where to search for optimal solutions in such problems. We use the Parameter Space Investigation (PSI) method implemented in the Multicriteria Optimization and Vector Identification (MOVI) software system and apply it to a mathematical model of cellular network. In addition to developing methodology for stating and solving the problem of multicriteria optimization of cellular network, we have found that 1) defining the feasible solution set is directly related to the correct statement of the optimization problem, 2) once the feasible solution set has been determined, the criteria convolution can be applied to find the optimal solution in the feasible solution set, 3) it is possible to perform online tuning of the cellular network parameters.
  • 摘要:Autonomous Navigation Modules are capable of driving a robotic platform without human direct participation. It is usual to have more than one Autonomous Navigation Modules in the same work space. When an emergency situation occurs, these modules should achieve a desired formation in order to efficiently escape and avoid motion deadlock. We address the collaboration problem between two agents such as Autonomous Navigation Modules. A new approach for team collaborative control based on the incentive Stackelberg game theory is presented. The procedure to find incentive matrices is provided for the case of geometric trajectory planning and following. A collaborative robotic architecture based on this approach is proposed. Simulation results performed with two virtual robotic platforms show the efficiency of this approach.
  • 摘要:Navigation modules are capable of driving a robotic platform without direct human participation. However, for some specific contexts, it is preferable to give the control to a human driver. The human driver participation in the robotic control process when the navigation module is running raises the share control issue. This work presents a new approach for two agents collaborative planning using the optimal control theory and the three-layer architecture. In particular, the problem of a human and a navigation module collaborative planning for a trajectory following is analyzed. The collaborative plan executed by the platform is a weighted summation of each agent control signal. As a result, the proposed architecture could be set to work in autonomous mode, in human direct control mode or in any aggregation of these two operating modes. A collaborative obstacle avoidance maneuver is used to validate this approach. The proposed collaborative architecture could be used for smart wheelchairs, telerobotics and unmanned vehicle applications.
  • 摘要:Agarwood has the mixed scent of ambergris and sandalwood, and cannot be artificially synthesized. Due to massive logging, agarwood is now listed as an endangered plant. Agarwood tissue culture can save provenance for breeding. For different combinations of TDZ (Thidiazuron), BA (6-Benzylaminopurine), and activated carbon of different concentrations, this study used the six sigma, as well as design of experiment (DOE) and response surface methodology (RSM) to optimize agarwood adventitious buds induced incidences and growth numbers. The results showed that, the combination of 4.0 ppm TDZ and 0.5 ppm BA, without activated carbon, had the best effect of adventitious bud induced incidence up to 21.75%, and adventitious bud growth number up to 24.8, improvements of 35.29% and 42.78%, respectively. The results verified that using the six sigma methodology could effectively enhance the induction of agarwood tissue culture adventitious buds, promote the blooming of agarwood in large numbers, and further realize agarwood restoration.
  • 摘要:We present a direct analytical algorithm for solving transportation problems with quadratic function cost coefficients. The algorithm uses the concept of absolute points developed by the authors in earlier works. The versatility of the proposed algorithm is evidenced by the fact that quadratic functions are often used as approximations for other functions, as in, for example, regression analysis. As compared with the earlier international methods for quadratic transportation problem (QTP) which are based on the Lagrangian relaxation approach, the proposed algorithm helps to understand the structure of the QTP better and can guide in managerial decisions. We present a numerical example to illustrate the application of the proposed method.
  • 摘要:This paper is devoted to path-dependent kinetics equations arising, in particular, from the analysis of the coupled backward-forward systems of equations of mean field games. We present local well-posedness, global existence and some regularity results for these equations.
  • 摘要:Fraud is a major challenge facing telecommunication industry. A huge amount of revenues are lost to these fraudsters who have developed different techniques and strategies to defraud the service providers. For any service provider to remain in the industry, the expected loss from the activities of these fraudsters should be highly minimized if not eliminated completely. But due to the nature of huge data and millions of subscribers involved, it becomes very difficult to detect this group of people. For this purpose, there is a need for optimal classifier and predictive probability model that can capture both the present and past history of the subscribers and classify them accordingly. In this paper, we have developed some predictive models and an optimal classifier. We simulated a sample of eighty (80) subscribers: their number of calls and the duration of the calls and categorized it into four sub-samples with sample size of twenty (20) each. We obtained the prior and posterior probabilities of the groups. We group these posterior probability distributions into two sample multivariate data with two variates each. We develop linear classifier that discriminates between the genuine subscribers and fraudulent subscribers. The optimal classifier (βA+B) has a posterior probability of 0.7368, and we classify the subscribers based on this optimal point. This paper focused on domestic subscribers and the parameters of interest were the number of calls per hour and the duration of the calls.
  • 摘要:In this paper, we approach the problem of obtaining approximate solution of second-order initial value problems by converting it to an optimization problem. It is assumed that the solution can be approximated by a polynomial. The coefficients of the polynomial are then optimized using simulated annealing technique. Numerical examples with good results show the accuracy of the proposed approach compared with some existing methods.
  • 摘要:This paper is devoted to introducing an optimization algorithm which is devised on a basis of ordinary differential equation model describing the process of animal swarming. By several numerical simulations, the nature of the optimization algorithm is clarified. Especially, if parameters included in the algorithm are suitably set, our scheme can show very good performance even in higher dimensional problems.
  • 摘要:The bleaching of crude palm oil using activated plantain peel ash (APPA) was studied in this work. Historical data design (HDD) in response surface methodology (RSM) experimental design was employed to optimize and correlate the process operating parameters (temperature, time and adsorbent dosage) to the percentage bleaching efficiency. The analysis of the results showed that the quadratic effects of the operating parameters were significant. The optimum condition for the maximum adsorption efficiency of 70.04% was obtained at 160°C temperature, 60 minutes reaction time, and 4 g adsorbent dosage. The predicted bleaching efficiency of 74% was in good agreement with the optimum experimental yield. This study has revealed that APPA is a good source of adsorbent for palm oil bleaching.
  • 摘要:Generating electricity from wave is predicted to be a new source of renewable energy conversion gaining more attention and is considered in various countries as promising renewable resource. Being surrounded by sea, Malaysia has the advantage of tapping energy from the nearest sea wave. However, Malaysia has low wave climate compared to other regions. On top of that, the technologies available for extracting this energy are still in infancy stage. This study explored the potential of generating electricity from low height wave energy. The recorded average electricity can be generated from the lab scale device which is 0.224 V, 0.175 A and 0.039 W. The data collected from Mukah Beach show that the maximum voltage recorded is 1.021 V, maximum current of 0.86 A and highest power of 0.878 W. By comparing results from both locations, the difference is almost 10-fold which validates the wave maker built in laboratory with 1:10 ratio. The standard deviation of all the outputs is small which indicates that the output generation from low height wave would be consistent. Although the output is small, it could be paired together to make a larger system to generate higher output. This study concludes that the developed lab scale model is useful for harnessing electrical energy from sea wave. The future direction of research would be to optimize the current method to maximize energy capture from sea wave. Another direction for future study is to make a system comprised of a large number of such devices to generate higher output.
  • 摘要:We introduce a new class of the slash distribution using the epsilon half normal distribution. The newly defined model extends the slashed half normal distribution and has more kurtosis than the ordinary half normal distribution. We study the characterization and properties including moments and some measures based on moments of this distribution. A simulation is conducted to investigate asymptotically the bias properties of the estimators for the parameters. We illustrate its use on a real data set by using maximum likelihood estimation.
  • 摘要:Using score function in a matrix game is very rare. In the proposed paper we have considered a matrix game with pay-off as triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number and a new ranking order has been proposed using value judgement index, available definitions and operations. A new concept of score function has been developed to defuzzify the pay-off matrix and solution of the matrix game has been obtained. A numerical example has been given in support of the proposed method.
  • 摘要:This paper presents an assessment of how to minimise excessive energy consumption in a case study school classroom while maintaining optimal indoor air quality. Using mixed method research with qualitative interview data supporting quantitative key data measurements, essential primary data was extracted from temperature and carbon dioxide monitoring equipment in the classroom. This was then used, along with other ancillary data, to develop an IES computer model of the classroom as a “base case” reflecting existing energy consumption, temperatures and CO2 levels. Eight different interventions were then developed and modelled which reflected improved energy supply and a varietyof ventilation strategies. The results show that adequate control and design of energy supply systems is critical to minimising excessive energy consumption, and that adequate internal air quality is achievable through a variety of low cost strategies.
  • 摘要:The paper presents a new approach to construct the Bellman function and optimal control directly by way of using strong large deviations principle for the solutions Colombeau-Ito’s SDE. The generic imperfect dynamic models of air-to-surface missiles are given in addition to the related simple guidance law. A four examples have been illustrated, corresponding numerical simulations have been illustrated and analyzed.
  • 摘要:In this paper, a modified method to find the efficient solutions of multi-objective linear fractional programming (MOLFP) problems is presented. While some of the previously proposed methods provide only one efficient solution to the MOLFP problem, this modified method provides multiple efficient solutions to the problem. As a result, it provides the decision makers flexibility to choose a better option from alternatives according to their financial position and their level of satisfaction of objectives. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the modified method and also a real life oriented production problem is modeled and solved.
  • 摘要:Shelling of groundnut pods using manual decorticators in Kenya is characterized by high kernel breakages and low shelling efficiencies. As a result, farmers get low income due to low cost of broken kernels and a lot of time is lost in the tedious shelling operation. To overcome this problem, pertinent parameters that influence shelling efficiency of manually operated groundnut decorticators were identified. Two manually operated decorticators were tested and modifications done on one of the decorticators to optimize its technical performance. Results of machine performance tests showed that for WBS (Wooden beater sheller) at a feed rate of 30 kg/hr and 22.6 mm clearance, shelling efficiency increased with decrease in moisture content for all the groundnut varieties. The highest shelling efficiency was 55.3% for ICGV99568, 39.2% for ICRISAT Groundnut Variety (ICGV) 90704 and 29% for ICGV 12991 at moisture content of 5.92% wb. For RBS (Rod beater sheller) at a feed rate of 30 kg/hr and 22.6 mm clearance, the highest shelling efficiency was 58.3% for ICGV 99568, 42.7% for ICGV 90704 and 35% for ICGV 12991 at moisture content of 7% wb. Identification of the pertinent parameters showed that pod moisture content, clearance and sieve size influence performance of manually operated groundnut. Theoretical predictive models developed were optimized which showed that a maximum shelling efficiency of 88.73% can be achieved with percent damage of 4% when the sieve size is 11 mm and clearance is 16 mm with a regression coefficient of over 85%. With the modifications done on the WBS decorticator, the highest shelling efficiency of 87% was obtained at a clearance of 10 mm for ICGV 99568 which is the largest in size from the three varieties. The shelling efficiency of the modified decorticator is far above those of the RBS and WBS because the sieve sizes and clearances of the later were not optimized. The results of the theoretical optimization of the manually operated groundnut decorticator implies that farmers who shell for seeds can now obtain more seeds shelled with low breakage and therefore will get more income.
  • 摘要:Having lectured in some universities and polytechnics in Nigeria, the researchers observed problems in course allocations. There are no lay-down techniques on how courses should be allocated with respect to the minimum and maximum credit a lecturer should carry in a semester. Many lecturers were overloaded while others were under-loaded. For this reason, dynamic programming model was developed for allocating courses among lecturers in the Nigerian universities using the Department of Statistics, Federal University of Technology Owerri, as a case study. From our analysis, we observed that among all the optimal allocations discovered in the study, the best optimal allocation policy was achieved at the point (1, 2, 1, 2). Allocation of courses in this order will yield an optimal credit hour of 12 per lecturer per semester.
  • 摘要:In this paper, a variable metric algorithm is proposed with Broyden rank one modifications for the equality constrained optimization. This method is viewed expansion in constrained optimization as the quasi-Newton method to unconstrained optimization. The theoretical analysis shows that local convergence can be induced under some suitable conditions. In the end, it is established an equivalent condition of superlinear convergence.
  • 摘要:Output measurement for nonlinear optimal control problems is an interesting issue. Because the structure of the real plant is complex, the output channel could give a significant response corresponding to the real plant. In this paper, a least squares scheme, which is based on the Gauss-Newton algorithm, is proposed. The aim is to approximate the output that is measured from the real plant. In doing so, an appropriate output measurement from the model used is suggested. During the computation procedure, the control trajectory is updated iteratively by using the Gauss-Newton recursion scheme. Consequently, the output residual between the original output and the suggested output is minimized. Here, the linear model-based optimal control model is considered, so as the optimal control law is constructed. By feed backing the updated control trajectory into the dynamic system, the iterative solution of the model used could approximate to the correct optimal solution of the original optimal control problem, in spite of model-reality differences. For illustration, current converted and isothermal reaction rector problems are studied and the results are demonstrated. In conclusion, the efficiency of the approach proposed is highly presented.
  • 摘要:We present a direct algorithm for solving the vertical generalized linear complementarity problem, first considered by Cottle and Dantzig, when the associated matrix is a vertical block P-matrix. The algorithm converges to a unique solution in a finite number of steps, without an assumption of nondegeneracy on the given problem. The algorithm is simple, efficient, and easy to implement.
  • 摘要:In this article, the mathematical foundations of the so called Criterion of Optimization by Compensation for designing commercial bottles with a straight section along its silhouette and with lateral surfaces of revolution is presented. Such mathematical model uses as main tools, Lagrange polynomial interpolation and Newton’s Method for Nonlinear Systems being first necessary to formulate and demonstrate a theorem. It was redesigned and manufactured a bottle of a half-liter of Fanta soda of the well-known Coca Cola Company, which uses 18.86% more material that such criterion establishes. It was expected that the redesigned bottle use 4.91% more of material with respect to what is established by the Criterion of Optimization by Compensation. However, it was reported a 13% of mistake due to important limitations that must be overcome.
  • 摘要:In this paper, a new augmented Lagrangian penalty function for constrained optimization problems is studied. The dual properties of the augmented Lagrangian objective penalty function for constrained optimization problems are proved. Under some conditions, the saddle point of the augmented Lagrangian objective penalty function satisfies the first-order Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition. Especially, when the KKT condition holds for convex programming its saddle point exists. Based on the augmented Lagrangian objective penalty function, an algorithm is developed for finding a global solution to an inequality constrained optimization problem and its global convergence is also proved under some conditions.
  • 摘要:The spectral analysis of simulated N-team of interacting decision makers with bounded rationality constraints of Oladejo, which assumes triangular probability density function of command inputs is hereby restructured and analysed, to have hierarchical command inputs that are predicated on order statistics distributions. The results give optimal distributions.
