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优化基础设施服务 促进资管创新发展(附英文版)

发布时间:2024-08-26 05:05:50 点击量:

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  资管行业 基础设施服务 高质量发展






















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  ◇ 本文原载《债券》2022年8月刊

  ◇ 作者:中央结算公司中债研发中心 刘一楠 刘羽飞

  ◇ 责任编辑:刘颖 鹿宁宁

  To Improve FMI Services and Support the Development of Asset Management Innovations

  LIU Yinan, LIU Yufei


  Asset management FMI services play important roles in facilitating regulation, supporting the market and protecting investors. This paper summarizes the innovations in asset management FMI services from the perspective of bank wealth management products (WMPs), credit assets exchange and trust market, and analyze the potential for FMI service improvement in the transformation of asset management industry. Recommendations are proposed to improve FMI services and promote quality and efficiency in the industry.


  Asset management, FMI services, high-quality development

  Asset management FMI services have continued to develop

  The asset management industry is an integral part of China’s financial sector, playing a key role in promoting real economy financing, optimizing resource allocation and creating national wealth. In recent years, innovations have taken place in FMI services for bank wealth management, credit assets exchange and trust market. FMI services also have multiple functions such as supporting regulation, serving the market, and protecting investors. The Guiding Opinions on Standardizing the Asset Management Business of Financial Institutions (hereinafter referred to as the “new asset management rules”), formally implemented in 2022, call for the abolishment of implicit principal payment guarantees, multi-tier nesting and maturities mismatching. FMI services play an important role in promoting high-quality development in asset management industry.

  China Wealth(Asset) Management Registry and Custody Co., Ltd. (WeMac) is a key FMI in China’s WMP market, which has established a nation-wide WMP information registration system to provide full-process and look-through registration for WMPs, investors, underlying assets and practitioner information. It has set up a professional and authoritative website (, playing a positive role in WMP information disclosure, investor education, and preventing risks. Since 2021, WeMac has been promoting market service innovations. It has supported the successful launch of pilot pension WMPs,promoting normalization of pension WMP registration. It has initiated Wealth Management 20+ Forum as an industry-wide communication platform. The Wealth Management Product Central Data Exchange Platform was officially launched as an effective solution for centralized connection between issuers and distributors, thus improving market operational efficiency.

  China Credit Assets Registration & Exchange Co., Ltd. (CCRE) is committed to the development of credit asset exchange market, and has created a suite of full life-cycle services for credit assets. In 2021, CCRE, under the guidance of CBIRC, innovated its services in credit asset securitization information registry. It also made progress in transfer of Non-Performing Loan (NPLs) under the pilot program.In collaboration with ChinaBond Pricing Center, CCRE launched the valuation of credit asset exchange products, improving coverage and accuracy of the valuation to enhance market influence and recognition.

  China Trust Registration Co., Ltd. (CTR) is a key FMI in China’s trust industry, and has three major functions, namely, a registration and information statistical platform for trust products and beneficial ownership, a trust product issuance and trading platform, and a trust industry oversight information service platform. Standardized oversight data collection is already in place. CTR has launched a centrally managed nation-wide trust beneficial owner account system that provides a reliable, comprehensive and one-stop inquiry channel that allows investors to check the share of beneficial ownership and asset information of trust product. In 2020, CTR teamed up with ChinaBond Pricing Center to provide solutions for the new accounting standards for financial instruments. At the end of 2021, they published close to 600 valuation results and more than 450 estimated credit loss (ECL) data on a daily basis, as well as a total of more than 1,000 solely payments of principal and interest (SPPI) test results, involving aggregate assets worth about RMB105 billion.

  Potential for improvement in  asset management industry

  The asset management industry has grown tremendously in recent years. When compared with the new asset management rules however,potential for improvement still exists in areas of product transparency, pricing effectiveness and investor protection. FMI services must take well-targeted steps to facilitate high-quality and sustainable industry development.

  First, product transparency can be enhanced. Full and efficient information disclosure is key to increase the quality and efficiency of asset management industry. At present, the trust industry’s information disclosure system requires further improvement. The look-through approach is not fully adopted for the underlying non-standard credit assets (hereinafter referred to as “non-standard assets”) of trust products, nor does regulation require asset-level disclosure of asset-backed securities. Meanwhile, the granularity of information disclosed needs to be enhanced. This requires more dimensions of information, in order to reflect product information and industry developments. OTC transactions should also be regulated. These will allow regulators to promptly understand the risk status of individual asset management product as well as that of the industry in order to monitor cross-market risks.

  Second, the fair pricing system requires improvement. With the implementation of the new asset management rules, net value management is required in asset management industry.The core underlying net value-based management is important to facilitate objective analysis of asset management products by promptly reflecting returns and risks ofunderlying assets. The basis of the transition is the measurement of fair price of underlying assets. At present, non-standard assets are key targets investment category of WMPs and trust products. Its lack of active trading market makes pricing and valuation extremely challenging. Compared to other asset management sectors, trust industry has the highest proportion of non-standard asset investmentand thus has greatest net value transition pressure.The pricing system, as well as pricing and valuation management capabilities of trust institutions, needs improvement. This requires cooperation with professional third-party pricing service providers in order to improve the fair pricing system collaboratively.

  Third, investor protection should be strengthened. Comprehensive ownership registration offers proper protection of investors, and provides a robust foundation for product pricing and trading. It also combines risk monitoring with service. At present, insurance asset management products have the most effective ownership registration among asset management products. Regulatory rules have specified that the “information pertaining to the share of insurance asset management products held by investors shall be based on the registration results provided by the registration and trading platform”. The ownership registration of WMPs and trust products require further clarification so that protection of investors can be enhanced.

  Fourth, more support for green development is required. The carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality are solemn commitments China has made to the world. Green finance and carbon finance have thus become a focus of the market. At present, China has the world’s largest green credit market, and ranks second in green bonds market. However, green asset management is still at a nascent stage. More support is required. The green standards for various products need to be established and unified. Accurate measurement of the environmental impact of products is also required. Data related to green asset management is fairly weak, and green investment philosophy needs further promotion.

  Optimizing FMI services and promoting industry quality and efficiency

  Based on the aforesaid transition requirements of asset management industry and  industry trends such as supporting the real economy and green development, several recommendations are proposed to asset management FMI services in following areas: information disclosure,fair pricing system, digital transformation, protection of investor rights and interests. The multi-pronged approach can help boost quality and efficiency in the asset management industry.

  First, registration dimension needs to be enhanced, and industry information disclosure should be strengthened. Comprehensive and accurate information is critical to FMI performance so that market dynamics can be promptly reflected, and market risks can be detected early. Hence, we recommend that the registration information dimension of asset management products be further enhanced. The internal rating of a loan, nature and industry of  borrower and other key risk assessment indicators can be added to credit asset securitization registration so that the quality and efficiency may be improved. The registration of trust products should also involve the underlying non-standard assets. Meanwhile,  full and efficient industry information disclosure system is recommended in order to facilitate risk identification and pricing. We recommend advancing look-through disclosure of asset-backed securities (ABS) underlying assets so as to increase market transparency1

  Second, a digital ecosystem should be established in the industry, and improvements of fair pricing system should be ongoing. In recent years, ChinaBond Valuation is used as key benchmark for financial accounting and risk management in bank wealth management and insurance asset management institutions . It is proved that third-party valuation provides fair pricing measurement references, and help asset management institutions to resolve the technical difficulties of non-standard assets pricing. The efficient collection and accurate analysis of data help to accurately depict risks and returns of financial products, and raise the digital standards of asset management industry. We recommend that asset management FMI continue to enhance the fair pricing system, expand the scope of pricing coverage, and boost cooperation with professional pricing service providers in order to make full use of  their professional advantages in data collection and verification. The risk management efficiency of pricing in the trust, wealth management, exchange of credit assets, and transfer of NPLs should be further improved. Effective tools can thus be provided to facilitates the industry-wide transition to net value-based management.

  Third, investor protection mechanism should be strengthened, and the pilot program of product ownership registration should be explored. We recommend enhancing investor protection by improving the asset management product inquiry function. A two-step approach may be considered: the first is product information  inquiry services to investors; the second is “one-stop inquiry” that provides investors with a reliable, comprehensive and one-stop inquiry channel. At present, CTR has already established a trust beneficial owner account system that provides one-stop inquiry services. We recommend expanding the scope of setting up trust beneficial owner accounts, and improving the account management system. WeMac already provides product authentication services in We recommend further improving the inquiry function, and building into a reliable WMP information and investor education platform. Meanwhile, reinforcing the effectiveness of ownership registration in WMPs and trusts is recommanded. Insurance asset management products may be used as a reference.It helps to further deepen the functions of the FMI.

  Fourth, more efforts can be made to facilitate green asset management. The asset management industry may step up research efforts in carbon finance and transformation finance,and improve standards for green credit, green WMPs and green trust in order to promote the development of green finance. Specifically, ChinaBond Green Bond Environmental Benefit Disclosure Indicator System2 may be used as a reference to promote look-through registration of green credit asset securitization so as to build a corresponding database and environmental impact information disclosure platform. Improvement of green WMPs information disclosure is recommended to promote green investment philosophy. We recommend that the trust industry accelerate the pace of formulating business rules for green trusts, improve the registration and statistical bases with reference of bond market to promote the formulation of green trust standards and support green development.


  1.Please refer to the joint research results of CCDC Research and Development Center, China Securitization Forum, Asset Securitization Department of CCB Trust and China Securitization Analytics for details at

  2.For the relevant results, please refer to


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  ◇ Authors from:CCDC Research & Development Center

  ◇ Editors in charge:Liu Ying, Lu Ningning


