新加坡国立大学(The National University of Singapore)目前拥有13个学科,可供至少22000名本科和8000名研究生学习。英国《泰晤士报》的《高等教育增刊》将国大评为世界五十强大学中的第30名,在亚洲地区,排名列入前五。下面一起来看一下新加坡国立大学本科录取要求吧!
高中毕业 申请截止日后完成高中学历
高考成绩 高二第二学期成绩
雅思/托福/剑桥C1/PTE: 雅思最低6.5(阅读写作6.5)
ACT考试或SAT考试: ACT29分/SAT阅读写作600分,数学650
SAT Subject考试: 考三门,数学level2 必考,其他两门根据科目选,每门最低650.
适用于所有有高考成绩的考生 不适用于牙科/法律/医学/护理
Instituteof Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 美国电气和电子工程师协会.美国电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)是一个国际性的电子技术与信息科学工程师的协会,是世界上最大的专业技术组织之一(成员人数),拥有来自175个国家的36万会员(到2005年)。1963年1月1日由美国无线电工程师协会(IRE,创立于1912年)和美国电气工程师协会(AIEE,创建于1884年)合并而成,它有一个区域和技术互为补充的组织结构,以地理位置或者技术中心作为组织单位(例如IEEE 费城分会和IEEE计算机协会]])。它管理着推荐规则和执行计划的分散组织(例如IEEE-USA 明确服务于美国的成员,专业人士和公众)。总部在美国纽约市。IEEE在150多个国家中它拥有300多个地方分会。透过多元化的会员,该组织在太空、计算机、电信、生物医学、电力及消费性电子产品等领域中都是主要的权威。专业上它有35个专业学会和两个联合会。IEEE发表多种杂志,学报,书籍和每年组织300多次专业会议。IEEE定义的标准在工业界有极大的影响。IEEE (读做eye-triple-ee,I-3E)。
IEEE制定了全世界电子和电气还有计算机科学领域30%的文献, 另外它还制定了超过900个现行工业标准。每年它还发起或者合作举办超过300次国际技术会议。IEEE由37个协会组成,还组织了相关的专门技术领域, 每年本地组织有规律的召开超过300次会议。 IEEE出版广泛的同级评审期刊,是主要的国际标准机构(900现行标准,700研发中标准)。
IEEE除出版定期杂志外,还出版大量的论文集、图书和标准。其出版物的学术和技术水平是世界水平的。IEEE还专门编辑出版了供学生阅读的《Potentials》和供一般工程技术人员阅读的《Today’s Engineers》。
Outstanding Achievements
While academic merit plays a key role in deciding the outcome of your application, we also consider exceptional achievements in co-curricular activities and competitions. You must have attained a very high level of achievement or leadership positions in activities. Examples of such achievements include International Science Olympiad medals, top national awards, national team sportsmen and exceptional rank in top university entrance examinations (e.g. IIT/AIEEE rankings, etc).
Participation in activities and achievements at intra school, house or class level (e.g. best student, most courteous, science/arts/cultural projects, etc) do not, usually, have a strong bearing on the outcome of your application.
Choice of courses
All applicants are allowed a maximum of 5 choices in your application.
Please list them according to your preference.
The order of the choices does not increase or decrease your chances in any of the courses. However, you should order your choices accordingly to your preference, as you will be admitted to the highest ranked course that you have qualified for.
Application outcome
The outcome of your application for admission will be released between May to July.
English Language Requirement
The medium of instruction at NUS is English. To enable you to benefit from an NUS education, we expect you to have achieved a minimum level of English proficiency. For certain qualifications, you are also required to furnish additional English Language test scores.
Applicants may present any of the following to fulfil the English Language requirement:
TestMinimum Acceptable Score
C1 Advanced / Cambridge English: Advanced180
IELTS#6.5 overall with 6.5 in Reading and Writing components
PTE Academic 62 overall with 62 in Reading and Writing components
TOEFL*^92-93 for internet-based / 580 for paper-based
ACT with Writing, SAT and SAT Subject Tests Requirements
ACT with Writing
The ACT consists of 5 sections: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science and Writing Test (Optional). For applicants who are submitting ACT in lieu of SAT, the writing component is compulsory. The minimum acceptable composite score for consideration by NUS is 29 and the writing component score as follows:
ACT taken onWriting Component Score (Minimum)
September 2016 or earlier24 (Range between 1 to 36)
October 2016 onwards8 (Range between 2 to 12)
For the ACT, all sections (inclusive of writing) have to be taken in one sitting. Combination of section scores from different sittings is not accepted.
The validity of ACT scores is five years. Only scores obtained in the five years leading up to the application deadline will be considered.
For more information on ACT, please visit
Our institution code is 5286. You may submit your ACT scores directly to the University or through ACT. The score reports must reach the NUS Office of Admissions by your application closing date, failing which your application will be deemed incomplete and withdrawn from consideration.
The SAT consists of 2 sections - Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics. The minimum acceptable test scores are 600 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and 650 for Mathematics.
All sections of the SAT have to be taken in one sitting. Combination of scores from different sittings is not accepted.
SAT Subject Tests
The SAT Subject Tests are content-based tests. 3 Subjects Test should be taken. The Mathematics Level 2 subject is compulsory while the two other subjects may be of your choice.
Applicants are required to submit 3 subject tests as follows:
●Mathematics Level 2 ^
●A second subject of your choice (excluding Mathematics Level 1)
●A third subject of your choice (excluding Mathematics Level 1)
For SAT Subject Tests, NUS accepts the score for 3 subjects that are taken within two sittings over 12 months. All other combinations or mixing of scores are not permitted.
The validity of SAT and SAT Subject Test scores is five years. Only scores obtained in the five years leading up to the application deadline will be considered.
The second and third subjects should be chosen based on the subject prerequisites of the courses you are applying for at NUS. For example, if you are applying for Chemical Engineering, you will need to choose Physics and Chemistry. If, however, you are applying for Business Administration, you may choose any subjects except Mathematics Level 1. The minimum acceptable Subject Tests scores are 650 for each subject.
生物工程:考SAT 数学2, 物理和化学
Applicants who wish to apply for Law or the double degree programme of Economics and Law are not required to present IELTS and/or TOEFL if they are presenting SAT and SAT Subject Tests as their basis for admission.
^ Mathematics Level 2 is a compulsory subject for all courses except Law. Applicants applying for admission to Law may take any subject combination for the SAT Subject Tests.
For more information on SAT and SAT Subject Tests, please visit
You may fax your scores to the University at (65) 6778 7570. Our institution code is 3720. The score reports must reach the Office of Admissions by your application closing date failing which your application will be deemed incomplete and will not be processed for admissions consideration.
Interviews and tests, TOEFL, SAT requirements
Published 11/01/2006 11.10 AM | Updated 15/10/2020 12.35 PM
Am I required to present additional tests such as TOEFL, ACT (with writing), SAT or SAT Subject Tests? Do I have to be interviewed?
Applicants presenting certain international high school qualifications may be required to submit additional tests scores. To find out more, click here and select your high school qualification.
Applicants shortlisted for Architecture, Dentistry, Industrial Design, Landscape Architecture, Law, Medicine and Nursing courses will be required to attend additional tests and/or interviews conducted at the University in April each year to assess their suitability for the courses. Interviews and/or tests are used as tools to help assess the suitability of an applicant for a particular course.
Applicants must first meet the admission criteria for the mentioned courses to be shortlisted.They will then be notified through the Online Application Status Facility to attend an interview and/or test. Applicants applying for other courses are not required to attend an interview unless otherwise instructed. The dates of interviews and tests for the various courses are provided here.
